Sunday, July 12, 2015


Max arrived! I picked him up at the airport in São Paulo and from there we went straight to the coast and took a ferry to Ilhabela - translated "pretty island". It's a sweet little island with rainforest, sand beaches and lots of possibilities for water sports.

We decided to explore the island in a more intense way ;-). We  climbed the Pico de Beapi - a 1048 m high mountain in the middle of the island. We started in the morning at sea level and after 3 hours and 5 km of steep track we reached the top with a fantastic view! It was just incredible! (And yes we felt our legs the next day just a bit ;-)). It's definitely worth going up that 1 km.

The historical centre is nicely lit at night and they had free concerts at the beach when we were there.

On the ferry back to the main land we had a last view of the mountain we had climbed the day before. We really walked up there right to the top of this mountain!!!

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