Monday, July 27, 2015

Chapada Diamantina

About 7 hours by bus inland from Salvador is Lençois. This cosy small city is one of the entrance gates to the huge National Park Chapada Diamantina. Sadly we didn't have a lot of time here but we did two really good day tours.

Rio Mucugezinho:

Poço do Diabo:

Morro do Pai Inácio:

Gruta da Fumacinha:

This tour included lunch in a small farmhouse. They made a buffet with lots of different and exotic vegetables like cooked cactus. We also bought some little nuts there that looked a bit like peanuts but were white inside and tasted like coconut.

Gruta Azul:

Gruta da Pratinha:

The second day we did a longer walk to the Cachueira Fumaça (translated steam waterfall). The water falls down 380 m and therefore turns into steam before it reaches the bottom. To see the waterfall we had to lay down on the edge of the cliff and look right down.

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