Saturday, May 30, 2015

Torneio Leiteiro

A bit like the shows once a year is very town in Australia, they have a Torneio Leiteiro in every town in Minas Gerais once a year. Minas Gerais is a state of Brazil which is especially known for the milk production. Every year the farmers use these events to show off with their cows and/or sell them in an auction.

Every night they have a competition between the cows. They measure the weight of one liter of milk from every cow. The cow with the "heaviest" milk wins. The overall winner at the end of the event gets the chance to compete in the regional event.

For the rest of the community these Torneios Leiteiros are the perfect opportunity to meet friends and family and have fun with bull riding, dance and foods. On the next foto you can see a variety of sweets all made with coconut.

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