Saturday, May 2, 2015


Today I went to the reservoir close to Juiz de Fora with my host family. It's a really nice area and we had a very calm day there. First we visited a cute little farm of some friends with pigs, cows, cats, dogs, chicken, ducks and horses.

The flower of this tree is called "parrot's bill". On the next photo you can see why.

When it is time to milk the cows, they are all called separately by name and come! This nice guy let me have a go in milking a cow as well. It  wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I also got to drink some milk so fresh that it was still warm and creamy. Very good!

After that we went to the water side and fished for the rest of the day. There were only birds, cows and us. 
Even I caught some fish :-)

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