Sunday, May 31, 2015

Small Farm

Today we visited the little farm of some friends. It was a beautiful day and I saw a lot of new plants there.

These cuttings were made by hand!

Caterpillar (7 cm!) with orange antennas

We drove a tractor and ate delicious food cooked on a wood-burning stove!

Quiabo with chicken is a very typical and tasty food. It used to be considered a dish of the poor people, but nowadays everyone likes it.

When dried completely, these buchas or Egyptian cucumbers are used as scrubbing bath sponges. These sponges you can buy all over the world.


I was really excited about how many different types of oranges and mandarins they have here. We walked through the garden and I ate at least eight citrus fruits and every single one had a very distinct and different taste. I never knew that oranges could have so many different flavours!



This is the clay house of a very jealous little bird. Supposedly the male bird captures the female and closes the entrance of the house when he suspects his wife cheating on him. They also change the side of the entrance depending of the wind direction.

Abacaxi (Pineapple)



Taioba is cut and cooked a bit like spinach, but it has a different taste.

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