Friday, July 10, 2015

Itaipú dam

The dam of Itaipú is a binational project between Brazil and Paraguay. It's located on binational territory and 50% of the energy generated belongs to each country. Paraguay uses 10% to supply 80% of the county's energy use and sells the other 40% to Brazil. Brazil manages to supply with these in total 90% of the energy from Itaipú 17% of the national energy need.

Fun facts and numbers:
- The amount of concrete used to build the Itaipu Power Plant would be enough to build 210 huge football stadiums.
- The iron and steel used would allow for the construction of 380 Eiffel Towers.
- The volume of excavation of earth and rock in Itaipu is 8.5 times greater than that of the Tunnel between England and France and the volumes of concrete is 15 times greater.
- Around forty thousand people worked in the construction.
- The pace of works carried out in Itaipú was equivalent to the construction of one 20 story building every 55 minutes.
- The dam has a length of nearly 8 km and the maximum height of a 65 story building.

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