Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Back in Germany

Back in Germany everyone was there to welcome us back and hear more about this exotic and wonderful country Brazil.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Goodbye Brazil

Way too fast my time in Brazil was over again. The last two days I spend with my Brazilian family in Juiz de Fora. For a last treat they took us out to a little farm where we could ride horses and they cooked a really yummy Brazilian dinner and lunch for us. Max also got a very warm welcome and managed to communicate with arms and legs and bits of Portuguese.

The last night we went out to do a last very Brazilian thing ;-) ... eat giant Cachorro quente (hot dog).
I will really miss all these funny guys! It was definitively no "goodbye for ever". It was more a "see you soon" :-) Without them my stay in Brazil would never have been that great!

Thursday, August 6, 2015


For Max's birthday we went to a real posh churrascaria and ate way too much! Churrascarias are Brazilian Barbecue restaurants where the meat is served on big sticks and the waiters cut it down for every guest. It was really, really good meat and we skipped lunch and more or less ignored the salad buffet to have even more room for the meats ;-)

I really don't know how he still managed to eat a desert, but Max seemed pretty happy with his birthday.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Belo Horizonte

From Recife we took a flight to Belo Horizonte where we met Max's brother Clemens and stayed with his really lovely host family. Belo Horizonte is the third biggest city of Brazil and surprisingly clean and safe. I really liked it there.

About two hours from Belo Horizonte is Inhotim. It's a huge privately owned park, art museum and botanical garden all in one. You walk through this very big and beautiful park, see botanical descriptions on trees and plants, walk through open-air artworks and fascinating art galleries with modern art. It was really fantastic!! Every artwork is very different and you never know what to expect around the next corner. And many of the artworks could be touched, entered or even changed by the visitors. It was a lot of fun!